BSI Solutions, Inc. is Utilizing Bitcoin Technology, Blockchain, to Create a Revolutionary Cybersecurity and Data Protection Solution

It is quite a tough and challenging time for businesses that operate on digital network platforms. Cyber-attacks and breaches continue to haunt online activities at even more sophisticated and damaging levels. Ransomware attacks and other forms of data breaches have now become a day-to-day challenge for companies. Cybersecurity is no longer an issue for companies alone, but also for governments and other agencies.  

In order to combat this looming issue, BSI Solutions has transformed the amazing Bitcoin technology into an earth-shattering cybersecurity and data protection solution. This solution is a technology eco-system combining various innovative technologies designed to solve several of the major challenges in businesses including, data sharing, collaboration, technology security, and standardization. The eco-system is structured with three of the core technology elements of BSI; Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Extended Reality. This solution has and will forever change the way data is shared. 

“Blockchain has become one of the most disruptive and impactful technologies over the past 3 years.  From cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to how we securely share data and enhance our Cybersecurity position, Blockchain is changing the way we use technology daily.   In addition to regular industry growth, the pandemic has created an unprecedented need to further enhance companies’ security postures.  We’ve directed our focus on using Blockchain as a revolutionary solution to address Data Protection and Cyber Security needs. We have uncovered and implemented an unimagined Blockchain solution that has taken it beyond cryptocurrency” says President and CEO of BSI Solutions, Inc. Dr. Kendrick Carroll.  

A successful cyber-attack can be the downfall of any well-positioned business. Data breaches not only cause significant financial losses but are also the leading cause of a bad reputation for victim companies. 

Blockchain started out as the technology behind Bitcoin but has popularly grown into a promising mitigation technology for cybersecurity and it is the core technology behind one of BSI’s revolutionary solutions.

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